Saturday, January 1, 2011

Adulterated Bible Versions


Ecumenism Link with the NIV and Other Modern Bible Versions
(Below is an excerpt from The Ecumenical Movement by Michael de Semlyen, (England: Dorchester House Publications,1993).

The new ‘modern’ versions, and commentaries, mostly based on the scholarship of the 1881 Revising Committee led by Anglo-Catholic Cambridge Professors Westcott and Hort.  Adherants of the King James or Authorised version are convinced that the text adopted by the revised and modern versions are those which, as long ago as the fourth century, were rejected during period of Arian influence, and which were subsequently discarded by the Reformation.

The view of leading Protestant scholars today is that the King James Version is the only truly Protestant Bible, and the only one which really lends itself to the historical interpretation of the antichrist. Virtually all the other translations are regarded as having leanings towards Liberalism and Romanism, clearly favouring the futurist view in the prophetic passages.

The Ecumenism Movement has ensured continuing co-operation among Catholics and ‘Protestant’ on Bible translations, and there have been innumerable conferences. The Driebergen Conferences, held in june, 1964, and attended by representatives of the United Bible Societies and the Roman Catholic Church, proposed the preparation of a ‘common text’ of the Bible, and a ‘common transalation’, which would be accepted to all. In 1965, the second Vatican Council ratified the Roman Church’s approval of this, and, in 1967, Carlo Martini joined the UBS International Editorial Committee.

Carlo Martini is His Eminence Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini, Archbishop of Milan, the Vatican’s predominant Greek scholar, a Jesuit, who is thought of as likely successor to Pope John Paul. He is President of the Council of European Bishop’s Conferences, which represents 133,000 European churches. Cardinal Martini was a member of the UBS editorial committee for both the second and third editions of the Greek New Testament.

The Third Edition of the United Bible Societies’ Greek New Testament, published in 1975, is a complete revision of the text produced previously, incorporating more than five hundred changes, which were made by Cardinal Carlo Martini and his four colleagues. The Third edition was first issued several years before it was actually published. Its preface states that A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament (1971), edited by Bruce M. Metzzger on behalf of the Committee, is based on this Third Edition.’ The Second Edition was produced three years earlier in 1968, so ‘it appears that with no significant accretion of new evidence, the same group of five scholars changed their mind in over five hundred places. It is hard to resist the suspicion that they are guessing.’ (Wilbur N. Pickering: The Identity of the New Testament Text: Thomas Nelson, Nashville, 1980).

The new Latin Vulgate, authorised by Pope Paul VI in1965, was issued by the Vatican and published by the German Bible Society (a member of UBS), in 1979, with a corrected Latin text which ‘conforms’ to the same UBS Third Edition of the Greek New Testament.

In that same year, 1979, the German Bible Society published the twenty-sixth edition of the Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament with a Greek text absolutely identical to the UBS third edition.

The New Testament of the New International Version (NIV) is based on the UBS / Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, as are the majority of modern translations, including The New Revised Standard Version, The New American Standard Version, The Revised English Bible and the Good News Bible. According to the International Bible Society, quoting Kenneth L. Barker’s book, The NIV: The Making of a Contemporary Translation, the cryptic ‘eclectic’ Greek New Testament text used was ‘basically that found in the United Bible Societies’ (UBS) and Nestle’s printed Greek New Testaments, which contain the latest and best Greek text available.’ (What lies!)

Some Christians have suggested that the NIV could be called the ‘New Catholic Version’, given that the word ‘catholic’ means ‘universal’ or ‘International’, and many evangelicals see the wide distribution of these ‘Ecumenical’ Bibles, based on a ‘common text’ authorised by the Vatican, as an essential step towards union with Rome. (P. 199-201)

In another excerpt from the ‘Battle Cry’ , November / December, 1995 issue, it also exposed those new Bible versions promote Catholic Doctrine. They are as follows:

New Bible Versions Promote Catholic Doctrine
Small changes in the wording of the Scriptures can often results in major changes in meaning. Christians who claim that all Bible versions are equally good have usually not bothered to check the facts.

Following is a small excerpt fromWhich Bible Is God’s Word?”  by Gail Riplinger, in which she shows how the identity of Mystery Babylon is hidden in many new versions ... and it’s done oh, so simply.

“Renewal” is a word that was introduced into the new American Standard
Version; there is no such word in any Greek text, so the NASB had to put it in

This is just one example of the Roman Catholic vocabulary that has been introduced into the new versions.

In the Roman Catholic Church, a “renewal” is merely a time when a member renews their baptismal vows and enthusiasm for God. The Bible, however, says we “must” be born again (John 3:7).

Roman Catholics believe that in infant baptism, one is saved and they merely renew their enthusiasm periodically.

Just as Jesus Christ has a bride, His church, so satan, the great counterfeiter, has a whore, his church. She is described in Revelation 17:5 as “MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.”

Revelation 17:9 says she sits on seven hills (“seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth”).  To hide the identity of this harlot church, the NIV and NASB make five changes in the New Bibles (new editions, the older editions like the 1973, 1978, 1984 of the NIV are not changed ).

1. They omit the word “city” from Revelation 14:8 so you will not know it is a city.

2. In Revelation 17:9-10, they changed something very serious, and this has
    directly affected the exegesis on Revelation 17 throughout the body of Christ
    today. The King James Version says, “The seven heads are seven mountains,
    on which the woman sitteth.” Period.

    A new sentence starts in verse ten, “And there are seven kings.” Verses nine
    and ten are about different things. The new version changed it and say, “The
    seven heads are seven hills on which the woman sits and they are seven

    They are trying to make a connection between the hills and the kings so you
    will not notice that the seven hills are the city of Rome.

    During the Dark Ages (A.D. 500-1500), Rome burned Bibles along with their
    owners. Revelation 19:2 says that God will avenge “the blood of his servants
    at her hand.” 

   The words “at her hand” have been omitted in the NIV so the harlot will not be
   caught red-handed.

   The Pope put the Textus Receptus (the traditional Greek text), on the
   index of Forbidden Books.

   It is so different from the Catholic Church’s Vulgate Bible, which is based on
   the Vaticanus manuscript.

  Protestants have reworked their Greek text to match Rome’s Vaticanus
  manuscript. Roman Catholic cardinal Carlo Martini is even on the Protestant
  Greek New Testament committee.

  The prefaces to the Roman Catholic New American Bible, the NASB, and the
  NIV, all tell the reader that they are based on the same Nestle/UBS Greek text.
  It is no wonder, after twenty years of reading Roman Catholic Bibles with NIV /
  NASB covers, that evangelicals leaders signed a pact with Rome (March 1994).

  In her thought-provoking book, Riplinger details many more modern version    
  changes that lend themselves to Roman Catholic theology.

  Saved out of Catholicism herself at the age of 26, she knows whereof she   
  speaks. After reading her books, so will you!

Another Example of Catholic Doctrine Being Promoted in New Bible Versions:

The word “firstborn” is missing in Matthew 1:25 in the NIV; N.A.S.B.; Good News; Living Bible; New Revised Standard Bible, etc.

“And knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his
 name JESUS.” (King James Version)

The reason is because Catholicism denies that Virgin Mary had other sons and daughters due to their paganistic teaching of Mary as goddess (Queen of heaven) with a divine Son).

How the Corrupted Manuscript Derived & a List of Omitted Words, Changes, and Additions in Modern Versions Like the NIV, N.A.S.B., Good News, New Revised Standard etc.

Antioch in Syria, made exact copies of the original manuscript. In Syria,
missionaries were sent to Alexander in Egypt. Later Christians in Alexandria
became gnostics. It became the centre of Christian learning in 184 A.D to
254 A.D. The Great student, Origen, became head of the school.

-  He applied Platorian philosophy (allegory interpretation of scripture)
-  He was an Arian   (contemporary Jehovah Witness.)
-  He  does not accept Jesus as God.
-  He and others corrupted the Bible by changing and eliminating verses
   that Jesus Christ is God.  Example:  1 John 5:7

   ( Note: Others like Marcion, Lucian also corrupted scriptures ).

-  Constantine the emperor who was supposed to be a Christian, but worship
    the sun god, ordered Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea to make him 50 Bibles.

-  Eusebius was a pupil of Origen. He believed as Origen believed. He used
    corrupted manuscripts of Alexandrian Egypt to make the 50 Bibles for the
    Roman Catholic church.

-  The Latin Vulgate came from the 50 corrupted Bibles. It was written by
   Jerome, also a pupil of Origen. The Latin Vulgate became the official Bible
   for the Roman Catholics. All others were outlawed.

The King James Bible

The King James Bible came from the Textus Receptus manuscript, also
called the Received Text and the O.T. masoretic text that Jesus used.

In the assemble of manuscripts, so much materials showed up that was exact
copies of the manuscripts from Antioch, Syria,  that it became 98% of the
evidence. They rejected the O.T and N.T. that Origen worked on in Egypt,
because it was corrupted. It includes the Catholic Latin Vulgate, Rheims 1582
and The Greek Septuagint (O.T).

The excavation of the Dead sea scrolls found in 1947, discovered that the book
of Isaiah scroll was from the masoretic text.

The Revised Standard Version Bible

In 1875, the R.S.V. was suppose to update the King James words. The 
Propagationists were the friends of England’s  Catholic Cardinal, Newman.
The propagationists F.J.A. Hort and B.F. Wescott, were educated and trained by
the followers of the Jesuits, Ribera and Alcazar. Hort and Wescott prayed to the
virgin Mary.

Together with a committee, F.J.A. Hort (1828-1892) and B.F.Wescott (1825-
1901) convinced the committee that the old text in the Vatican (originated by
Origen) were more reliable than the Antioch, Syria’s.   (Isaiah 30:1-3)

They produced a new English version from the old Roman Catholic Latin
Vulgate Bible derived from Alexander, Egypt. They worked in top secret for
twenty years. They were not updating the King James Bible, but changing it
by using the corrupted manuscript.

Today, all other versions examples, the NIV, NASB, Good News, RSV,
Amplified, Living Bible etc. derived from the Roman Catholic version; mainly
from the Sinaitic and Vatican manuscripts. The use of this relatively few
manuscripts, especially the Sinaitic and Vatican manuscripts are due to the
age of these documents. However, some scholars have reasons to doubt their
faithfulness to the autographs, since they often disagree with one another and
show other signs of unreliability.

The Textus Receptus (Received)

On the other hand, the great majority of the existing manuscripts are in
substantial  agreement. Even though, many are late, and none are earlier than
the fifth century. Scholars say, this is due to the wear and tear of these
manuscripts after over a long period of usage and therefore new copies had to
be copied. However, most of their readings are verified by ancient papyri;
ancient versions, and quotations in the writings of the early church fathers. This
large body of manuscripts is the source of  the Greek text used by Greek 
speaking churches for many centuries, presently known as the Textus Receptus
or the Received Text.

Since the latter nineteenth century, the theory has been held by some scholars
that this traditional text (Received Text) of the New Testament had been
officially edited by the fourth century church. But recent studies have caused
significant changes in this view, and a growing number of scholars now regard
the Received Text as far more reliable than previously thought.

Moreover, very aged manuscripts of the 2nd century has now been unearthed
and found. Many of those readings of the Received Text which had been tagged
scornfully as 'late and spurious' by most of those group of so called textual scientists, are now being found in all these early date manuscripts, examples:
(This same crew that now acts as a self appointed jury to abolish so many of God’s Words
from the Bible) 

a) The Chester Beatty Papyri, contains 65 readings which had been before rejected by those same critics.
b) Papyrus Bodmer ll contains 13% of all the so called late readings of the  Received Text in the first part of  John.  (Note:  Deut. 4:2; Prov.30:6; Gal.1:6,7; 1 Jn.4:1,2; 2 Pet.3:15,16; 
Note: The above reveals authenticity of those omitted scriptures, yet the texual critics today continue to pretend that there are not sufficient reasons to print these doctrinally important words of God in their Bible versions.

Examples of Omitted words, changes and additions in the Roman Catholic
Versions of the Bible.

(Examples of corrupted Bibles: NIV; RSV; Amplified; Good News; NASB; Living Bible  etc. Use the King James, 21st Century King James or the Strong’s Concordance to check).

- Removed Christ  or Jesus or Christ Jesus or Christ as God 25 times or more.

- Mark’s  witness to the ascension of Jesus (Mk.16:9-20) do not appear in the
  corrupted Roman Catholic manuscripts, the “Vaticanos” and the “Sinaiticus”,
  yet in the Vaticanos, an empty space were left there, where these 12 verses
  belong,  exactly  big enough to accommodate them. How did the scribe know
  how much space to have, if the older manuscript from which he copied did not
  have these 12 verses?

The Masoretic Text

The Masoretic Text of the O.T. is used together with the Textus Receptus of the

N.T. by the Eastern Greek  churches. (They broke off from the corrupted Roman
Catholic church.)

It is proven accurate in 1947 in the finding of the Dead Sea Scroll. The Masoretic
Text was from the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Satan is a Deceiver

Satan tried his hand at textual criticism, successfully he insinuated in “Eve’s
itching ear”  “You shall not surely die ... , you shall be as God”  (Gen.3:15)

Man continued to believe the lie. Like Origen, an early textual critic, many men
believe that, “the scripture are of little use to those who do not understand them
as written”  (quoted by MC. Clintock & Strong Cyclopedia in the article on Origen)

When given opportunity like Origen, many would alter the manuscripts to make
them say what they understood them to mean.

Apostle Paul, Peter and John warned corrupters of the Word were already plying
their trade in churches.  (Gal.1:6-7; 1 John 4:1;  1 Peter 3:15,16)
Would you prefer to use imitation car parts than the genuine ones?  Would you
prefer adulterated ‘Rebina Black Currant Juice’ than the genuine one?  Obviously
not!  That goes with God’s Word too!  (Rev.22:19;  Prov.30:6;  Ecc.3:14)

For Further Study
Otis, David, Which Bible? (MI:  Grand Rapids Int’l; Publications).
Ray, J.J., God Only Wrote One Bible (OR, Junction City: The Eye Opener Publishers),

Ruckman, P.S.,  Manuscript Evidence (Pensacola, FL.: Pensacola Bible Institute).


*  Ray, J.J., God  Only Wrote One Bible (The Eye Opener Publishers).
* Anderson, G.W. and D.E., A Textual Key to the New Testament (London: Trinitarian  Bible Society. 1993).

* _______________, The Authorised Version (London: Trinitarian Bible Society).

* Anderson, G.W., The Greek New Testament (London: Trinitarian Bible Society, 1994).
* Chick, J.T., Kiss the Protestant Goodbye (Chick Publishes).

* Sabotage (Chick Publishes).

* Stott, George R., Church History 1 (Brussels: ICI, 1989).

* New King James (Nashvelle: Thomas Nelson Inc., 1988).

* R.S.V. (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Inc., 1972).

* Jones, Llewelyn,  An Incorrect Translation (Llambda Llambda literature).

* Semlyen, Michael de, The Ecumenical Movement (England: Dorchester Publishing House, 1993).

* Waite, D.A., Defending the King James Bible (New Jersey: The Bible for Today Press, 1996).

* Hills, Edward F., The King James Version Defended (Iowa: The Christian Research Press, 1996).

Omissions And Changes Found In Most Modern Versions

G.W. and D.E. Anderson, A Textual Key To The New Testament (Dorset Rd.,
    London: Trinitarian Bible Society, 1993).

An asterisk indicates some of the more serious omissions or doctrinal problems.
In instances of change, the King James Version reading, which represents the
reading of the Traditional Text, is given in comparison with the critical text
reading as found in the New American Standard  Bible.


  1:7      ‘Asa’ is changed to ‘Asaph’
              (often this  error is printed
              in the margin rather than
              in the text)

1:10     ‘Amon’ is changed to
             ‘Amos’ (see verse 7 above)

*1:25    ‘firstborn’

    *4:12      ‘Jesus’

    *4:18      ‘Jesus’

    *4:23      ‘Jesus’

     5:22      ‘without a cause’

     5:27      ‘by them of old time’

   *5:44      ‘bless them that curse
                  you, do good to them that
                  hate you,’ and
                  use you,  and’

    5:47      ‘publicans’ is changed to
    6:4       ‘openly’

    6:6       ‘openly’

    6:13     ‘For thine ... Amen’

    6:18     ‘openly’

  *6:33     AV-’the kingdom of God’;
                NAS- ‘His  kingdom’

  *8:3       ‘Jesus’

  *8:5       ‘Jesus’

  *8:7       ‘Jesus’

   8:15      ‘them’ is changed to ‘him’

  *8:29      ‘Jesus’ (‘Jesus, thou Son
                  of God’)

   8:31      ‘suffer us to go away’ is
                 changed to ‘send us’

   9:8       ‘they marvelled’ is changed
               to ‘they were afraid’
               (RSV; NAS-’they were
                filled with awe’)

   *9:12       ‘Jesus’

     9:13       ‘to repentance’

    9:14        ‘oft’

    9:35       ‘among  the people’

    9:36       ‘fainted’ is changed to

  10:3         ‘Lebbaeus, whose
                   surname was’

  11:2         ‘two of his disciples’ is
                   changed to ‘by his

  12:8         ‘even’

  12:15       ‘multitudes’

  12:22       ‘blind and’ (second

 *12:25      ‘Jesus’

  12:35       ‘of the heart’

 *13:36      ‘Jesus’

 *13:51      ‘Jesus saith unto them’

 *13:51      ‘Lord’ (‘Yea, Lord’)

 *14:14      ‘Jesus’

 *14:22      ‘Jesus’

 *14:25      ‘Jesus’
  14:30      ‘boisterous’

   14:33      ‘came and’

   15:6        ‘or his mother’

   15:6       ‘commandment’ is
                  changed to ‘word’

   15:8       ‘draweth nigh unto me
                  with their mouth, and’

  *15:16    ‘Jesus’

  *15:30    ‘Jesus’

    16:3      ‘O ye hypocrites’

    16:4      ‘the prophet’

  *16:20    ‘Jesus’

   17:4      ‘Let us make’ is changed
                 to ‘I will make’

  17:11     AV-’Jesus’;

  17:11    ‘unto them’

  17:11    ‘first’ (‘shall first come’)

 *17:20    ‘Jesus’

 *17:21    ALL OF THIS VERSE
                IS OMITTED

  17:22    ‘abode’ is changed to
                ‘were gathering together’

 *18:2      ‘Jesus’

 *18:11    ALL OF THIS VERSE
                IS OMITTED
    18:29      ‘at his feet’
    18:29      ‘all’ (‘I will pay thee all’)

    18:35      ‘their trespasses’

   *19:9        ‘and whoso marrieth her
                     which is put away doth
                     commit adultery.’

    19:17       AV - ‘there is none good
                     but one, that is, God’
                    NAS - ‘there is only One
                     who is good’

    19:20       ‘from my youth up’

    19:29       ‘or wife’

    20:7         ‘and whatsoever is right,
                     that shall ye receive’

    20:16       ‘for many be called, but
                      few chosen’

   *20:22       ‘and to be baptized with
                      the baptism that I am
                      baptized with?’  (see
                      also verse 23)

   *20:23       ‘and be baptised with
                      the baptism that I am
                      baptized with:’  (see
                      also verse 22)

    21:4        AV - ‘All this’
                   NAS - ‘now this’

    21:12      ‘of God’  (‘the temple of

    21:44      ALL of this verse is
                   omitted in some versions

   22:13      ‘take him away, and’

   22:30      ‘of God’  (‘angels of God’)

 *22:37      ‘Jesus’

   23:3       AV - ‘they bid you
                 observe, observe
                 and do’
                 NAS - ‘they tell you, do
                 and observe’

  *23:8      ‘even Christ’

   23:14    ALL OF THIS VERSE
                 IS OMITTED

  *24:2      ‘Jesus’

   24:6      ‘all’  (‘all these things’)

   24:7      ‘and pestilences’

   24:36    ‘nor the Son’ is added

   24:42    ‘hour’ is changed to ‘day’

   24:48    ‘his coming’

   25:6      ‘cometh’

   25:13    ‘wherein the Son of
                  man cometh’

   25:31    ‘holy’  (‘holy angels’)

   25:44      ‘him’  (‘answer him’)

   26:3      ‘and the scribes’

 *26:28    ‘new’  (‘of the new

   26:59    ‘and elders’

   26:60    ‘yet found they none’
                   (second instance)

   26:60     ‘false witnesses’
                    (second instance)

   27:2        ‘Pontius’

   *27:24      ‘just’  (AV - ‘the blood
                    of this just person’;
                    NAS - ‘this Man’s

    27:34      AV - ‘vinegar’, ie., sour
                    wine;  NAS - ‘wine’

   *27:35      ‘that it ... lots’  (last half
                    of the verse is omitted)

    27:42      ‘if’  (AV - ‘If he be the
                    King’;  NAS - ‘He is the

    27:42      ‘believe him’ is changed
                    to ‘believe in him’

    27:64      ‘by night’

    28:2        ‘from the door’

    28:9        ‘as they went to tell
                    his disciples’
    28:20      ‘Amen’

    *1:1       ‘the Son of God’
                  (omitted in some
                  versions and margins)

    *1:2       ‘the prophets’ is replaced
                  by ‘Isaiah the prophet’,
                  an obvious error
    *1:14      ‘of the kingdom’
                   (AV - ‘the gospel of the
                   kingdom of God’;
                   NAS - ‘the gospel of

    *1:41      ‘Jesus’

     2:2        ‘straightway’

   *2:17      ‘to repentance’

    3:5        ‘whole as the other’

    3:15      ‘to heal sicknesses, and’

    3:16      ‘And He appointed the
                  twelve:’  is added at the
                  beginning of the verse

    3:29      ‘damnation’  is changed
                  to ‘sin’

    4:4        ‘of the air’

    4:9       ‘unto them’

  *5:13     ‘Jesus’  is changed to ‘he’

  *5:19     ‘Jesus’

   6:11      ‘whosoever’ is changed
                to ‘any place’

  *6:11     ‘Verily I say ... than for that
                city’  (last part of the verse
                is omitted)
   6:15     ‘or’  (AV - ‘or as one of the
                prophets’;   NAS - ‘like one
                of the prophets of old’)

   6:16     ‘from the dead’

   6:33     ‘him’ is changed to  ‘them’

   6:33      ‘and came together
                  unto him’

  *6:34       ‘Jesus’

   6:36      AV - ‘buy themselves
                bread: for they have
                nothing to eat’;  NAS -
                ‘buy themselves
                something to eat’

    6:44      ‘about’  (AV - ‘about five

    7:2        ‘they found fault’

  *7:8        ‘as the washing ... ye do’
                 (last half of the verse is

  *7:16      ALL OF THIS VERSE
                 IS  OMITTED

   7:24      ‘and Sidon’
  *7:27       ‘Jesus’

  *8:1         ‘Jesus’

  *8:17      ‘Jesus’

    8:17      ‘yet’  (AV - ‘have ye your
                  heart yet hardened?’)

    8:25      ‘made him look up’ is
                  changed to ‘looked

    8:26      ‘neither’ and ‘nor’ are
                  combined into ‘not’

  *9:24       ‘Lord’  (referring to Jesus)

  *9:29       ‘and fasting’
  *9:42       ‘in me’

  *9:44      ALL OF THIS VERSE
                IS  OMITTED

  *9:45      ‘into the fire that never
                 shall be quenched’

  *9:46      ALL OF THIS VERSE
                IS  OMITTED

   9:49      ‘and every sacrifice shall
                 be salted with salt’

  *10:21     ‘take up the cross’

   10:24     ‘for them that trust in

   10:29    ‘or wife’

   11:10     ‘in the name of the Lord’

  *11:11     ‘Jesus’

  *11:14     ‘Jesus’

  *11:15     ‘Jesus’

   11:24     ‘ye receive’  is changed to
                  ‘you have received’
  *11:26     ALL OF THIS VERSE
                  IS  OMITTED

    12:4      ‘and at him they cast

  *12:30    ‘this is the first

    12:33    ‘with all the soul’

  *12:41    ‘Jesus’

    13:8      ‘and troubles’

    13:11    ‘neither do ye

    13:14     ‘spoken of by Daniel
                    the prophet’

  *13:33      ‘and pray’

    14:19      ‘and another said,
                    Is it I?’

  *14:22      ‘Jesus’

  *14:22      ‘eat’  (AV - ‘Take, eat.’
                    NAS - ‘Take it.’)
  *14:24      ‘new’  (‘of the new

    14:27      ‘because of me this

    14:68      ‘and the cock crew’

    14:70      ‘and thy speech
                    agreeth thereto’

    15:3        ‘but he answered

    15:8        ‘crying aloud’ is changed
                    to ‘went up’

  *15:28      ALL OF THIS VERSE
                   IS  OMITTED

  *15:39      ‘cried out’

    16:8       ‘quickly’

  *16:9-20   OMITTED or bracketed
                 in most Bibles (with
                 variations). Although
                 missing in the Vatican
                 and Sinai manuscripts, it
                 is found in almost every
                 Greek manuscript which
                 contains Mark’s  Gospel.
                 In addition it is quoted by
                 Church Fathers including
                 Irenaeus and Hippolytus
                 in the second and third
                 centuries (thus predating
                 the two old manuscripts,
                 Vatican and Sinai).



   1:28     ‘blessed art thou among

   1:29     ‘when she saw him’

   2:5       ‘wife’  (AV - ‘his espoused
               wife’;  NAS - ‘who was
               engaged to him’)

   2:9       ‘lo’
 *2:14     ‘good will toward men’
               is changed to ‘toward men
               of good will’ or ‘among men with whom he is

   2:17     ‘abroad’

 *2:33     ‘And Joseph and his
               mother’ is changed to ‘and
               his father and mother’ (note
               that the change affects the
               Virgin Birth of our Lord)

 *2:40    ‘in spirit’

 *2:43    ‘and Joseph and his mother’
                   is changed to ‘his
                   parents’ (cf. 2:33)

    *4:4       ‘but by every word of

    *4:8       ‘Get thee behind me,
                  satan: for’

     4:18      ‘to heal the
                   broken hearted’
    *4:41      ‘Christ’  (first instance;
                   the reference to Jesus’
                   Messiahship is

     5:33       ‘why’  (makes this a
                    statement rather than
                    a question)

     5:38       ‘and both are preserved’

     5:39       ‘straightway’

     6:10       ‘whole as the other’

     6:26       ‘unto you’

     6:45       ‘treasure of his heart’
                    (second instance)

     6:48       ‘was founded upon a
                    rock’ is changed to
                    ‘had been well built’

     7:10       ‘that had been sick’

   *7:19       ‘Jesus’

   *7:22       ‘Jesus’

    7:31       ‘And the Lord said’

    *8:38      ‘Jesus’

     8:45      ‘and they that were with

     8:45      ‘and sayest thou, Who
                  touched me?’

     8:48      ‘be of good comfort’

     8:54      ‘put them all out, and’

   *9:43      ‘Jesus’

     9:50     ‘us’  is changed to ‘you’

     9:54     ‘even as Elias did’

     9:55     ‘and said, Ye know not
                  what manner of spirit ye
                  are of’

   *9:56      ‘For the Son of man is
                   not come to destroy
                   men’s lives, but to save

   *9:60      ‘Jesus’

   10:1       ‘seventy’ is changed to

   10:17     ‘seventy’ is changed to

   10:20     ‘rather’  (AV - ‘but rather’;
                  NAS - ‘but’)

  *10:21     ‘Jesus’

   10:35     ‘when he departed’

  *10:39     ‘Jesus’ (Critical Text has
    *10:41     ‘Jesus’ (Critical Text
                     has ‘Lord’)

    *11:2        ‘our’ (‘Our Father...’)

    *11:2        ‘which art in heaven’

    *11:2        ‘Thy will be done, as
                      in heaven, so in earth’

    *11:4        ‘but deliver us from

    *11:11      ‘bread’ and ‘will he

     11:29       ‘the prophet’

     11:44       ‘scribes and Pharisees,

     11:54       ‘and seeking’

     11:54       ‘that they might accuse

   *12:31       ‘the kingdom of God’
                      is changed to ‘his

   *13:2          ‘Jesus’

     13:19       ‘great’

     13:35       ‘desolate’ is in italics

     13:35       ‘verily’

     14:5         ‘ass’ is changed to ‘son’

     17:3        ‘against thee’

     17:9        ‘him? I trow (ie., judge)

                    give him a stone? or
                     if he ask’

   *17:36    ALL OF THIS VERSE
                  IS  OMITTED

    19:5       ‘and saw him’

    20:5       ‘then’

    20:23     ‘Why tempt ye me?’

    20:30     ‘took her to wife, and
                  he died childless’

  *21:4       ‘of God’

    21:8      ‘therefore’
  *22:6       ‘Jesus’

    22:14    ‘twelve’

    22:31    ‘And the Lord said’

  *22:43     some versions omit ALL
                  of this verse or put it in

  *22:44     some versions omit ALL
                  of this verse or put it in

  *22:57     ‘him’ (first instance)
                  (referring to Jesus) is
                  omitted or changed to ‘it’

    22:60     ‘the cock’ is changed to
                  ‘a cock’

  *22:63      ‘Jesus’

    22:64     ‘they struck him on the
                   face, and’

    22:68     ‘also’ (AV - ‘and if I also
                  ask you, ye will not
                  answer me’;
                  NAS - ‘and if I ask a
                  question, you will not

    22:68      ‘nor let me go’

    23:6        ‘of Galilee’ is changed
                     to ‘it’ or omitted

  *23:17       ALL OF THIS VERSE
                    IS  OMITTED

    23:23      ‘and of the chief priests’

    23:25      ‘unto them’

  *23:34      ‘Then said Jesus, Father,
                    forgive them; for they
                    know not what they do.’
                    (some versions bracket
                     this or have notes
                    which say that this is
                    not original)

    23:38      ‘written’ and ‘in letters
                    of Greek, and Latin,
                    and Hebrew’

  *23:42       ‘Lord’ (the thief on the
                    cross recognizes Jesus’

  *23:43       ‘Jesus’

  *23:45      ‘And the sun was

                   darkened’ is changed to
                  ‘the sun being
                  obscured’, ‘eclipsed’ or
                  ‘failing’, or a marginal
                  reading is given to add
                  this naturalistic effect.

    24:1     ‘and certain others with

    24:4     ‘much’

*24:6     ‘He is not here, but is risen’
                is omitted from or
                bracketed in some
                versions, or a problematic
                footnote is given.

   24:12   Some versions omit ALL
                of this verse, others only
                omit ‘laid’

 *24:36    ‘Jesus’

 *24:40    Some versions omit or
                bracket this verse. It is
                found in every Greek
                manuscript of Luke
                except for one fifth
                century Western
                manuscript. The omission
                results from radical New
                Testament criticism
                principles. Some versions
                have misleading or
                incorrect footnotes
                regarding this.

   24:42   ‘and of an honeycomb’

   24:49   ‘of Jerusalem’
   24:51   ‘and carried up into
                heaven’. Only two Greek
                manuscripts omit this, but
                some Greek texts and
                critical editions of the
                Greek New Testament and
                some versions omit it.

 24:53       ‘praising’ is omitted
                  from the critical Greek
                  text; according to a
                  marginal note in NAS,
                  NAS changes ‘blessing’
                  to ‘praising’.

  24:53      ‘Amen’


  *1:18      ‘only begotten Son’ is
                 changed to ‘only
                 begotten God’

    1:27      ‘is preferred before me’

    1:51      ‘Hereafter’

*24:52   Some versions omit ‘they
             worshiped him’ from
             this verse for the  same
             reasons as in the  case
             of the omissions in
             24:40; however, some
             critical editions of the
             Greek New Testament
             include it. Without it
             the risen Lord is not
             receiving worship from
             His people.

  2:22      ‘unto them’

  *3:2         ‘Jesus’

  *3:13       ‘which is in heaven’
                  (thus an attribute of God
                   is removed from Jesus)

   3:15       ‘should not perish, but’

  *4:16       ‘Jesus’

    *4:42     ‘the Christ’  (note: Jesus’
                  Messiahship is obscured)
    *4:46     ‘Jesus’

     5:3       ‘waiting for the moving
                  of the water’

    *5:4       ALL OF THIS VERSE
                  IS  OMITTED

     5:16     ‘and sought to slay him’
     5:30     ‘Father’

     6:11     ‘to the disciples, and the

    *6:14     ‘Jesus’

     6:22     AV - ‘save that one
                 whereinto his disciples
                 were entered’
                 NAS - ‘except one’

     6:39     ‘Father’

    *6:47    ‘on me’ (note: not just
                 ‘believing’ secures
                 everlasting life, but
                 believing ‘in me’  (Jesus))

     6:58     ‘manna’

    *6:69    ‘thou art the Christ, the
                 Son of the living God’ is
                 changed to  ‘you are the
                 Holy One of God’  (note:
                 Messiahship and Deity/
                 Sonship are missing)

    7:8       ‘yet’

    7:26     ‘very’  (‘this is the very

    7:29        ‘But’

    7:33        ‘unto them’

  *7:39         ‘Holy’ (‘Holy Ghost’)

  *7:53-8:11  entire section is
                     omitted or in brackets
                     in many modern

    8:9          ‘being convicted by
                   their own conscience’

  *8:9          ‘Jesus’

    8:10        ‘and saw none but the

    8:10        ‘thine accusers’

  *8:16         AV - ‘the Father’;

                   NAS - ‘He’

  *8:20        ‘Jesus’

  *8:21        ‘Jesus’

    8:59        ‘going through the
                    midst of them, and so
                    passed by’

  *9:4           ‘I must work the works’
                    is changed to ‘we must
                    work the works’

    9:11         ‘the pool of’

   *9:35        ‘Son of God’ is changed
                    to ‘Son of man’

  10:26        ‘as I said unto you’

  10:38      ‘believe’ (third instance;
                  AV - ‘know, and believe,’)
                  is changed to
                  (NAS - ‘know and
11:41     ‘from the place where
                  the dead was laid’

  *11:45     ‘Jesus’

   12:1       ‘which had been dead’

   12:41     ‘when’ is changed to

   13:2       AV - ‘And supper being
                 NAS - ‘And during supper’

  *13:3      ‘Jesus’

   14:12    ‘my’  (NAS - ‘the Father’)

  *14:15   ‘If ye love me, keep my
                 (a command) is changed
                 to a statement, ‘If you love
                 me, you will keep my

   14:28    ‘I said’  (AV - ‘because I
                 said, I go’;  NAS –
                 ‘because I go’)
    15:7      ‘ye shall ask’ is changed
                 to ‘ask’

    16:3       ‘unto you’
    6:10      ‘my’ (NAS - ‘the Father’)

  *16:16     ‘because I go to the
   17:11      ‘those whom’ (referring
                  to believers) is changed
                  to ‘that which’ (referring
                  to ‘name’)

   17:12      ‘in the world’

  *17:12     ‘I kept them in thy
                   name: those that thou
                   gavest me’ is changed
                   to ‘I was keeping them
                   in Thy name which Thou
                   hast given me’;

   17:20      ‘shall’ (AV - ‘which shall
                   believe’;  NAS - ‘who

  *18:5       ‘Jesus’ (second instance)
    19:16    ‘and led him away’

  *19:38     ‘Jesus’ (third instance)

  *19:39     ‘Jesus’

    20:19     ‘assembled’

    20:29     ‘Thomas’  (AV - ‘Jesus
                   saith unto him, Thomas’)

     21:3       ‘immediately’


   1:14      ‘and supplication’

   2:1        ‘with one accord’ is
                changed to ‘together’
   2:7        ‘one to another’

   2:23      ‘have taken’

 *2:30     ‘according to the flesh, he
                  would raise up Christ’

    2:33      ‘now’

    2:41      ‘gladly’

    2:42     ‘and’ (‘and in breaking
                 of bread’)

  *2:47     ‘to the church’ is changed
                to ‘to their number’
   3:6       ‘rise up and’

    3:20    ‘Jesus Christ, which
               before was preached
               unto you’ is changed
               to ‘Jesus, the Christ
               appointed for you’

    3:24    ‘foretold’ is changed to

  *3:26     ‘Jesus’

    4:24    ‘God’
    5:23    ‘without’ (‘the keepers
               standing without’)

    5:24    ‘the high priest, and’

    5:25     ‘saying’

    5:34     ‘apostles’

    6:3       ‘Holy’ (AV - ‘Holy Ghost’;
                NAS - ‘Spirit’)

    6:13     ‘blasphemous’

  *7:30     ‘of the Lord’

    7:37     ‘the Lord your’

    7:37     ‘him ye shall hear’

  *8:37      ALL OF THIS VERSE
                 IS  OMITTED

    9:5        ‘It is hard for thee to
                  kick against the pricks’

    9:6        ‘And he trembling ...
                  unto him’

  *9:20       ‘Christ’ is changed to

  *9:29       ‘Jesus’ (part of verse 28
                  in the Critical Text)

   10:6       ‘He shall tell thee what
                  thou oughtest to do’

   10:21      ‘which were sent unto
                   him from Cornelius’

   10:32      ‘who, when he cometh,
                   shall speak unto thee’

  *15:11     ‘Christ’

   15:18      AV - ‘Known unto God
                  are all his works from
                  the beginning of the
                  NAS - ‘who makes these
                  things known from of old’

   15:24      ‘saying, Ye must be
                  circumcised and keep
                   the law’

  *15:34     ALL OF THIS VERSE
                  IS  OMITTED
   *16:31     ‘Christ’

    17:5       ‘which believed not’

    17:26     ‘blood’

    18:21     ‘I must by all means
                   keep this feast that
                   cometh in Jerusalem’

   *19:4       ‘Christ’

   *19:10     ‘Jesus’

   *20:21     ‘Christ’

   *20:25     ‘of God’ (‘kingdom of

    20:32     ‘brethren’

    20:34     ‘Yea’
    21:8       ‘that were of Paul’s

    21:25     ‘that they observe no
                   such thing, save’

    22:9       ‘and were afraid’

    22:16     ‘the name of the Lord’
                   is changed to ‘His name’

    22:20     ‘unto his death’

    23:9       ‘Let us not fight against

    23:15     ‘to morrow’

  *24:6-8    ‘and would have judged
                  ... commanding his
                  accusers to come unto
                  thee’ is omitted (the last
                  part of verse 6, ALL of

                verse 7, and the first part
                 of verse 8)

   24:15    ‘of the dead’

   24:26    ‘that he might loose him’

   25:16     ‘to die’

   26:30     ‘when he had thus

   28:16     ‘the centurion delivered
                  the prisoners to the
                  captain of the guard: but’

  *28:29     ALL OF THIS VERSE
                  IS  OMITTED


   *1:16     ‘of Christ’ (‘the gospel
                  of Christ’)

    1:29      ‘fornication’

    1:31      ‘implacable’

    3:22      ‘and upon all’

    5:2        a few versions omit
                  ‘by faith’

    6:11      ‘our Lord’

   *8:1        ‘who walk not after the
                  flesh, but after the Spirit’

   *8:26      ‘for us’ (regarding the
                  Holy Spirit’s  
                  is omitted or italicized
                  in some versions

    8:28     AV - ‘all things work
                together for good’;
                NAS - ‘God causes all
                things to work together
                for good’

    9:28    ‘in righteousness: because
                a short work’ is omitted,
                and many versions
                rearrange what parts of
                the verse remain.

    9:31    ‘of righteousness’
                (second instance)

    9:32    ‘of the law’

   10:1     ‘Israel’

 *10:15    ‘preach the gospel of

 *10:17    ‘God’ is changed to ‘Christ’

   11:6     ‘But if it be of works, then
                is it no more grace:
                otherwise work is no more

 *13:9      ‘Thou shalt not bear false

   14:6     ‘and he that ... doth not
                regard it’ (some versions
                omit this, some place it
                 in brackets)

 *14:9     ‘and rose’

 *14:10   ‘Christ’ is changed to ‘God’
               (note: if ‘Christ’ is read in
               verse 10, then He is the
               God of verse 12. If the
               reading in verse 10 is
               ‘God’, then the Deity of
               Christ is missing in this

  14:21    ‘or is offended, or is
                made weak’

  14:22     ‘Hast thou faith?’ is
                   changed from a question
                   to a statement, ‘the faith
                which you have’

  *15:8        ‘Jesus’

   15:24      ‘I will come to you’

  *15:29     ‘of the gospel’ (‘of the
                    gospel of Christ’)

  * 16:18     ‘Jesus’ (‘Lord Jesus

   *16:20     ‘Christ’


  1 Corinthians

    1:14      in some versions ‘I thank
                 God’ is changed to ‘I am

    2:4        ‘man’s’

   *2:13     ‘Holy’ is omitted from

    5:1        ‘named’

    *5:4      ‘Christ’ is omitted twice

    *5:5      ‘Jesus’ is omitted from
                 some versions

    *5:7      ‘for us’

    *6:20    ‘and in your spirit, which
                  are God’s’

     7:5      ‘fasting and’

     7:39    ‘by the law’

    *9:1     ‘Christ’

    *9:18    ‘of Christ’

     9:22    ‘as’ (‘became I as weak’)

  *10:9     ‘Christ’ is changed to
                 ‘the Lord’

   10:11    ‘all’ (‘Now all these things’)

   10:23    ‘for me’ (‘lawful for me’)
   10:28    ‘for the earth is the Lord’s,
                 and the fulness thereof’

    *11:24     ‘Take, eat’ (speaking of
                    the Lord’s Supper)

    *11:24     ‘broken’  (speaking of
                    Christ’s body)

    *11:29     ‘unworthily’

    *11:29     ‘Lord’s’ (‘the Lord’s 

     12:13     ‘into’  (‘into one Spirit’)
                   is changed to ‘of’

     14:25     ‘And thus’

     14:34     ‘your’ (‘your women’)

     14:38     ‘let him be ignorant’ is
                   changed from an
                   exhortation to the
                   statement, ‘he is not

     *15:47     ‘the Lord’ (the Deity of
                     Christ is obscured)

     15:55      AV - ‘O death, where is
                    thy sting? O grave,
                    where is thy victory?’
                    NAS - ‘O death, where
                    is your victory? O death,
                    where is your sting?’

  *16:22     ‘Jesus Christ’

  *16:23     ‘Christ’

 2 Corinthians

    1:10     ‘doth deliver’ (second
                 instance) is changed to
                ‘shall deliver’ in some
                 versions; thus ‘delivered
                 ... doth deliver ... will yet
                 deliver’ becomes
                 ‘delivered ... will deliver
                 ... will yet deliver’.

   *4:6       ‘Jesus’

   *4:10     ‘the Lord’

   *5:18     ‘Jesus’

    8:4       ‘that we would receive’

    8:24     ‘and’ (‘and before the
    9:10     AV - ‘Now he ... minister ...
                and multiply ... and
                NAS - ‘Now He ... will
                supply and multiply ...
                and increase’, changing
                an expressed wish or
                prayer (voluntative
                optative) to a statement
                of future

 *10:7      ‘Christ’ (third instance)

   10:8     ‘us’ (‘hath given us for

  11:6      ‘been’  (AV - ‘we have been
                throughly made manifest’;
                NAS - ‘we have made this

 *11:31    ‘our’

 *11:31    ‘Christ’

  12:11    ‘in glorying’

  13:2      ‘I write’


    *1:15     ‘God’ is changed to ‘He’

    3:1        ‘that ye should not obey
                  the truth’

   3:1        ‘among you’

  *3:17     ‘in Christ’ (the Abrahamic
                covenant was ‘in Christ’)

   4:7       ‘of God through Christ’
               is changed to ‘through God’
    4:24     ‘the’ (‘the two covenants’)

   5:19     ‘Adultery’

    5:21     ‘murders’

  *6:15      ‘in Christ Jesus’

  *6:17      ‘the Lord’


    1:10     ‘both’

    1:18     ‘understanding’ is
                 changed to ‘heart’

   *3:9       ‘by Jesus Christ’

   *3:14     ‘of our Lord Jesus Christ’

    4:6        ‘you’ (‘in you all’)

    4:9       ‘first’ (‘he also descended

    4:17     ‘other’ (‘other Gentiles’)
                 is changed to ‘the’

   *5:9       ‘fruit of the Spirit’ is
                 changed to ‘fruit of the

    5:21     ‘fear of God’ is changed
                 to ‘fear of Christ’

    5:30      ‘of his flesh, and of
                  his bones’
    6:10      ‘my brethren’


    1:16-17   these verses are
                    reversed in the modern

    3:3         ‘God in the spirit’ is
                   changed to ‘in the Spirit
                   of God’

   *3:16      ‘let us mind the same

   *4:13      ‘Christ  which
                   strengtheneth me’ is
                   changed to ‘him who

                   strengthens me’

    4:23       ‘be with you all’ is
                   changed to ‘be with
                   your spirit’


   *1:2      ‘and the Lord Jesus

   *1:14    ‘through his blood’

   *1:28    ‘Jesus’

    2:2      ‘and of the Father, and

    2:7      ‘therein’

    2:11    ‘of the sins of’

   *2:18    ‘not’ (‘hath not seen’ is
                changed to ‘has seen’)

    2:20     ‘Wherefore’

   *3:6       ‘on the children of

   *3:13     ‘Christ’ is changed to
                 ‘the Lord’

   *3:15      ‘God’ is changed to

   *3:22      ‘God’ is changed to
                   ‘the Lord’

    3:24       ‘for’ is omitted,
                   changing the conclusion
                   of the Apostle’s
                   statement to a separate

   1 Thessalonians

   *1:1      ‘from God our Father’
                 and the Lord Jesus

    2:2       ‘even’  (‘But even after’)

   *2:19     ‘Christ’

    3:2        ‘minister’

   *3:11     ‘Christ’ (AV - ‘our Lord
                 Jesus Christ’;  NAS -
                 ‘Jesus our Lord’)

   *3:13     ‘Christ’

    5:27     ‘holy’  (‘holy brethren’)

  2 Thessalonians

   *1:8      ‘Christ’

   *1:12      ‘Christ’  (first instance)

   *2:2        ‘day of Christ’ is changed
                  to ‘day of the Lord’

   *2:4       ‘as God’  (AV - ‘he as God
                 sitteth’;  NAS - ‘he takes
                 his seat’)

  1 Timothy

    1:1      ‘Lord’

   *1:17   ‘wise’ (‘only wise God’)

   *2:7     ‘in Christ’ (‘I speak the
               truth in Christ’)

    3:3     ‘not greedy of filthy lucre’

  *3:16    ‘God’ is replaced with
                ‘he’, ‘he who’, or ‘what’
               (see the Society’s Article
                no.103, God was Manifest
                in the Flesh, regarding
                this passage)

    4:12    ‘in spirit’

    5:4      ‘good and’

    5:16   ‘man or’ (Greek: ‘believing
               man or believing woman’)

   *6:5     ‘from such withdraw thyself’

    6:7     ‘and it is certain’

  2 Timothy

    1:1      ‘an apostle of Jesus Christ’
               is changed to ‘an apostle of
               Christ Jesus’

    1:11     ‘of the Gentiles’

   *2:19     ‘name of Christ’ is
                 changed to ‘name of
                 the Lord’

    4:1        ‘therefore’

   *4:1       ‘Lord’
   *4:22     ‘Jesus Christ’


    1:4      ‘mercy’

   *1:4      ‘Lord’ is omitted, and
                ‘Jesus Christ’ is reversed

    2:7      ‘sincerity’


    *6       ‘Jesus’

    *12     ‘Whom I have sent again:
               thou therefore receive him,
               that is, mine own bowels’
               is changed to ‘And I have
               sent him back to you in
               person, that is, sending
               my very heart’


   *1:3      ‘by himself’

   *1:3      ‘our’  (‘purged our sins’)

   *2:7      ‘and didst set him over the

                works of thy hands’ is
                omitted in many versions

   *3:1      ‘Christ’

    3:6      ‘firm unto the end’ is
               omitted in many versions

    6:10    ‘labour of’

   *7:21    ‘after the order of

    8:12    ‘and their iniquities’

  *10:9    ‘O God’ is omitted in
               many versions

 *10:30   ‘saith the Lord’

   10:34   ‘my’  (‘my bonds’)

   10:34   ‘in heaven’

  *11:11   ‘was delivered of a child’.
                Some modern  versions
                add, with no Greek
                manuscript support, an
                entire section about
                Abraham being enabled
                to beget children.

  *11:13   ‘were persuaded of them’

  *11:37   ‘were tempted’ is omitted
                 from most versions

   12:20    ‘or thrust through with
                 a dart’



    1:19      ‘Wherefore’ is changed
                  to ‘this you know’ and
                  ‘but’ is added (‘But let
                  every one’)

    1:26      ‘among you’
    2:18      ‘thy’  (AV - ‘without  thy
                  works’;  NAS - ‘without
                  the works’)

    2:18      ‘my’ is omitted from
                  most versions

   *2:20      ‘faith without works is
                  dead’ is changed to
                  ‘faith without works is

    4:2        ‘yet’ (in addition to this
                  omission, the NAS adds
                  ‘so’, giving the impression
                  of causal relationship)

  *4:4         ‘adulterers and’
    5:5        ‘as’  (‘as in a day of

    5:16      ‘faults’ is changed to
                  ‘sins’  (different Greek

   *5:20     ‘a soul’  is changed to
                 ‘his soul’

  1 Peter

    1:16     ‘Be ye holy’ (a command)
                 is changed to ‘you shall
                 be holy’  (future tense)
    *1:22     ‘through the Spirit’

     1:23      ‘for ever’

    *3:15     ‘God’  is changed to

    *4:1       ‘for us’ (‘Christ hath
                  suffered for us’)

     4:14     ‘on their part he is evil
                  spoken of, but on your
                  part he is glorified’

    5:8        ‘because’

   *5:10     ‘Jesus’

    5:11     ‘glory and’

   *5:14     ‘Jesus.  Amen.’

  2 Peter

   *1:21     ‘holy’  (‘holy men of God’)

    2:17      ‘for ever’

    3:9        ‘us’  is changed to ‘you’

    3:10      ‘in the night’

   *3:10     ‘shall be burned up’  is
                 changed to ‘discovered’;
                 some versions have this
                 change as a footnote only

  1 John

   *1:7     ‘Christ’

    2:7     ‘brethren’  is changed to

    2:7       ‘from the beginning’
                 (second instance)

   *2:20     ‘ye know all things’ is
                 changed to ‘you all know’

    3:1        ‘and we are’  is added
                  after ‘sons of God’

    3:14      ‘his brother’  (‘loveth
                  not his brother’)

   *3:19      ‘we know’  is changed to
                  ‘we shall know’  (but
                   note the context)

   *4:3        ‘Christ is come in the

   *4:19      ‘we love him’  is changed
                   to ‘we love’

   *5:7-8      ‘in heaven; the Father,
                   the Word, and the Holy
                   Ghost: and these three
                   are one. And there are
                   three that bear witness
                   in earth’,  (see the
                   Society’s Article no.102,

                   Why 1 John 5:7-8 is in
                   the Bible.)

   *5:13       ‘and that ye may believe
                   on the name of the Son
                   of God’

  2 John

    3           ‘the Lord’

   *9          ‘of Christ’ (second

  3 John

    11      ‘but’  (‘but he that
               doeth evil’)


   *1       ‘sanctified’ is changed
              to ‘beloved’

   *4       ‘God’

    23     AV - ‘And others save
             with fear’,
             NAS - ‘save others, ...
             and on some have
                   mercy with fear’

  *25     ‘wise’  (‘only wise God’)

   25     some versions add
            ‘before all time and’


   *1:5     ‘loved us, and washed
               us’  is changed to ‘loves
               us and released us’

    1:8     ‘the beginning and the

   *1:9     ‘Christ’  is omitted twice
   *1:11   ‘I am the Alpha and
               Omega, the first and
               the last and’

    1:11    ‘which are in Asia’
    1:17      ‘unto me’

    1:20       ‘which thou sawest’
                   (second instance)

    2:9         ‘works’

    2:13       ‘thy works, and’

    2:15       ‘which thing I hate’
    3:4         ‘even’  (‘even in Sardis’)

    3:11       ‘Behold’
    5:4         ‘and to read’

    5:5         ‘to loose’

    5:6         ‘and, lo,’

   5:14       ‘four and twenty’

  *5:14       ‘him that liveth for ever

                   and ever’

  *6:1-3,5,7   ‘and see’  (‘Come
                      and see’)

    6:12      ‘lo’

  *7:5b-8b  ‘were sealed’  is omitted
                   in ten of the twelve

  *8:13       ‘I heard an angel’  is
                   changed to ‘I heard an

   10:4        ‘unto me’

  *11:1       AV - ‘and the angel
                 stood, saying’;
                 NAS - ‘and someone
                 said’  (RSV - ‘and I was

   11:4    ‘the God’  is changed to
               ‘the Lord’

 *11:17   ‘and art to come’

  12:12   ‘the inhabiters’

 *12:17   ‘Christ’

 *14:5     ‘before the throne of God’

  14:8     ‘city’

  14:12   ‘here are they’

  14:13   ‘unto me’

  14:15   ‘for thee’

  15:2     ‘over his mark’

  15:3     ‘the saints’  is changed to
               ‘the nations’

  15:5     ‘behold’

 *16:5    ‘O Lord’

  16:7    ‘another out of’  (without
              this, an inanimate object,
              the altar, is speaking)

  16:14  ‘of the earth and’

  16:17   ‘of heaven’

  17:1     ‘unto me’

  18:2     AV - ‘cried mightily with
              a strong voice’
              NAS - ‘cried out with a
              mighty voice’

   18:6      ‘you’  (‘rewarded you’)

  *19:1      ‘the Lord’

  *20:9      ‘God out of’
  *20:12    ‘before God’  is changed
                   to ‘before the throne’

    21:2      ‘John’

    21:5      ‘unto me’
    21:9      ‘unto me’

    21:10    AV - ‘that great city the
                  holy Jerusalem’;

                 NAS - ‘the holy city,

   21:24    ‘of them which are saved’

   22:1      ‘pure’

  *22:14    ‘do his commandments’
                 is changed to ‘wash
                 their robes’

  *22:19    ‘book of life’  is changed
                 to ‘tree of life’

  *22:21    ‘Christ’
